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Home Ownership: A Path to Power

Home Ownership: A Path to Power

The 6th Workshop in the Home Ownership: A Path to Power series being sponsored by the NAACP – Pasadena Good Trouble Alliance will be held on Wednesday, June 23, 2021from 7 PM – 8:30 PM.

The topic for this workshop will be Investing 101.  This workshop will be led by a representative from Wescom Credit Union.

This series is important because we need to help people ‘Get Ready to Bet Ready’ to purchase a home.

As highlighted in the State of Black Pasadena – Home Ownership presentation, home ownership is key to wealth and creating generational wealth.  For example, a median home in Pasadena in 2000 was $220K.  The median home in Pasadena today is $1,050,000.

Most homes in Pasadena are selling between $600 – $900K.

The City of Pasadena has an affordable housing requirement of 20% of new residential units must be for very low, low, or moderate income people where only 2 black families became home owners in the last development.

We don’t want this to continue to happen so we have to get ready now for the developments that will be ready for sell over the next 1-3 years.

That is the purpose of this training series that will take place throughout the year.  You can’t get ready when developments go on sale, it is too late!

The registration link is: NAACP – Home Ownership: A Path to Power – Investing 101 Tickets, Wed, Jun 23, 2021 at 7:00 PM | Eventbrite

This is how we will bend the curve on the exodus of Blacks from Pasadena.  Thank you!


Allen Edson, President
Eve Reid - Treasurer
Ron Matthews, 1st Vice President
Nicole Bernard, 2nd Vice President
Juanita West-Tillman, Secretary
Tommye Martin, Asst. Secretary

Allisonne Crawford
Alma Stokes
Dominick Correy
Florence Annang
Jacquelyne James
Jouslynn Griffin
Laura Hamilton
Lynnette West-Cater
Mark Sutton
Prentist Deadrick
Rian Barrett
Sharon Strong
Sherene Young
Taylor Morton
Tisha Washington
Tommye Martin ​

August 2024
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