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OP ED: Gary L. Moody

On January 11, 2022 I received an email from one of my resources regarding Critical Incident OIS 21012414 – November 23, 2021 – Police Department. I was informed to watch these videos from various perspectives; police bodycams, home surveillance cameras, and police dashboard cameras. There were nine (9) overall camera perspectives in which I could make an educated and objective analysis. My synopsis of these critical observations was concluded by giving praise to the Pasadena Police Department, good Samaritans, and Emergency Response Teams. The overall response was quick and ensured the safety of the neighborhood that was impacted by this violent incident.

The suspect was definitely aware of the people he put in danger as well the person he murdered randomly and without provocation. His wiliness to “shoot it out” with the officers also put the neighborhood in immediate and serious danger. The woman he attempted to hold hostage and the comments made by the suspect was pornographic and violent. The Pasadena Police Department acted swiftly in cordoning off the area and keeping innocent bystanders out of the crime scene.

If there is anyone who feels that these officers and response teams acted out of order or was racially motivated need to “Check themselves”. Our community activists who claim any level of credibility should do “research and development” before they make any commentary or fraudulent claims of misuse or abuse. I have spent more than forty (40) years of activism in this community but I have never acted out in ignorance or hostility regarding our City Leaders, including the Police department. Being a community activist starting with The with Michael Bryant officer involved killing to Pasadena Branch Vice President during the Kendric McDade officer involved shooting, and having served as the President of the NAACP Pasadena Branch,  my credibility is always based on knowing what to say, when to say it, and having the research to back it up.

Peace and Blessings, 

Gary L. Moody, MBA
CMI Consultants